These days plagiarism is so common, that if you come across any site with your pictures and copied recipes, you feel angry. You may even write to the website / blog author for disciplinary actions but on second thought you feel, are those sites really worth of a second look and we seem to only add to their blog traffic.
When I started my blog, I did not know much about plagiarism and related actions to be taken. But as time went by, I came across several sites where my pictures and posts are copied verbatim without giving due credit to my blog.
Initially I did not know what to do, and wrote to those sites, some have removed the copied posts and pictures and some sites still carry them. It seems these people do not have enough decency to acknowledge your hard work and Plagiarism has become a daily affair to them, what we call in Bengali "Jol Bhaat" (meaning a simple case like water and rice).
So these days, if I see my pictures in some other blogs & website, I really do not care anymore.
But imagine, if you see your picture being published in a leading newspaper (that too a leading Bengali Newspaper, Ananda Bazar Patrika) without your consent and giving due credit, I bet you will get flustered and angry.
original picture
Last Saturday�s 28-Aug-2010 edition of �Utsav� (A supplement of ABP), carried an article on �Posto�, titled �Emon Gotimoi Ghorsoyar rannaghore aar dwitwiyoti nei� by Goutam Chakraborty. My picture of Aloo Jhinge Posto was published in that article as a "Posto" dish.

So my fellow bloggers, besides keeping a tab on blogs and websites, start keeping a track on your local newspaper, maybe you'll find yourself in my position in coming days....
You can check the following links too...
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