Friends, these days I am not getting enough time for blogging but always following the nice recipes of you fellow bloggers.
Just the other day, while checking Sanghi's blog, Sanghi's Food Delights!, I came across a note on Plagiarism and her writing on one person hosting a food blog named 'Samayal Blog'.
Her Classic Chicken photo was copied and put as Bachelor chicken and the writer Sarmila has even sent it to an event First Cooked Food Event, hosted by Shama.
As a victim of plagiarism, we all have every right to let others know that our posts (recipes) were stolen and reproduced as someone's own work! These days, I think everyone knows how much time and effort goes into writing a post. I always thought, whren I started blogging, if this were to happen to me, I�d be upset, hurt and didn't have any idea of what to do.
Well just out of curiosity, I happened to browse through the other posts of this Samayal Blog, and came across this post on Eggs, a post called "Egg Curry with Milk"on 30th June, I am shocked to see that it is an exact copy of my post on "Eggs in Milk", a unique dish which I learnt from my mother-in-law.
She has left out my introduction to the dish, but has copied the ingredients measurements and procedure word to word to the last details.
I have put a word to the person, let's see if it's removed.
I do feel for Sanghi...and would suggest all my fellow bloggers, to check this site, Samayal Blog, and notify the person, if any of your recipes / photos are copied there....
This Eggs in Milk recipe is after my heart, as it was one of my chosen recipes for School Meals, a programme of The World Food Programme (WFP), which I sent to Bloggeraid.
So let's join in fighting plagiarism and put a stop to this never ending theft of our posts...
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