Found about a wonderful cause from Priya who is a member of BloggerAid. The group is publishing a book with the recipes prepared by the foodie bloggers around the world, a really noble gesture againt the hunger. The profit from the sales of the cookbook will be directed to School Meals, a programme of The World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations frontline agency......
Here is my contribution to the cause: Aam Panna
I wrote about Coolers in a previous post. Aam Panna is type of Cooler known for its heat resistant properties and is an effective remedy for heat exhaustion and heat stroke. It is made from raw green mangoes and also used as a delicious, refreshing and healthy beverage to fight against the intense summer heat.
The recipe requires few ingredients and mangoes are readily available across the globe, but you have to ensure to prepare with raw mangoes only. I cannot write the recipe, until the cook book is out...
So you have to wait till the book is finally published.

You don't need to be a member of Blogger Aid to submit a recipe. You just need a willingness to share your love of food from around the world and want to be involved in raising awareness and money for this program. There is no cost to you, just a sense of satisfaction that comes from participating in this exciting project and seeing your name and recipe in print.
You may post about your recipe but without revealing the ingredients...the cookbook will be the round-up where your recipe will be published. Once the cookbook has been published you can publish your recipe wherever you will always be yours and you will always receive full credit.
Here to encourage all in joining hands for a wonderful cause...For more details, click here
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